Anders Indset

The Quantum Economy

Saving the Mensch with Humanistic Capitalism
20,99 €inkl. MwSt.
Lieferstatus: lieferbar


The Old Economy is dead. So is the New Economy

Algorithms are increasingly becoming authorities and competing directly with humans. Recommendation engines have long taken control of our lives. We are threatened by a final narcissistic injury, and we are alienated by the fatal information society that we live in. But humans are still the ‘gluons’ that connect our perceived reality – the environment, society, and the economy – with our inner world: what it means to be a human being, a Mensch. If we want to ensure that the machines continue to serve us after the digital tsunami, then now is the time to leverage the full power of our reason to build a humanistic society.

"A must-read for anyone who does not just want to see the future, but
wants to be an active part of it.”
Marshall Goldsmith, Two-time Thinkers 50 #1 Leadership Thinker

"Anders Indset's thought-provoking new book is a must-read, and one I wish I had read prior to the outbreak of the pandemic."
Dorie Clark, author of "Reinventing You" and Member of Executive Education Faculty Duke University Fuqua School of Business. 

“The Quantum Economy is a highly timely and truly relevant book. This new
world – with Covid-19 and all the panic following it – begs us all to
redefine how we live and how we do business. A must read for anyone in
search for meaning in how to run businesses.” 
Martin Lindstrom, New York Times best-selling author of Small Data and Buyology

“The quantum economy opens up new perspectives on the economy of today
and tomorrow - and on how our economy affects society. An inspirational
reading that stimulates discussion and leaves a lasting impression.”
Yves Pigneur, Professor of Management Information Systems, University of Lausanne


Ullstein eBooks
304 Seiten
DE 20,99 €, AT 20,99 €
Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH, Friedrichstraße 126, 10117 Berlin

Anders Indset ist Wirtschaftsphilosoph, Unternehmer, Investor und ehemaliger Leistungssportler. Der gebürtige Norweger ist dreifacher Spiegel-Bestseller-Autor und wurde von Thinkers50 als einer der künftig einflussreichsten Denker in den Bereichen Technologie, Führung und Wirtschaft ausgezeichnet. Er ist ein vertrauter Sparringspartner für Top-Führungskräfte und Gründer des Quantum Economy Institutes.

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