Tobias Bunde, Benedikt Franke

The Art of Diplomacy

75 Views Behind the Scenes of World Policies
28,00 €inkl. MwSt.
Lieferstatus: lieferbar


What is diplomacy? An art, a craft? Or something in between? Is there such a thing as a diplomatic secret recipe? What actually makes a good diplomat? What tips and tricks help to break the deadlock? When does humor help, when only bluffing? How do diplomatic cultures and styles differ in different countries? How undiplomatic can, and perhaps even must, a diplomat sometimes be? How does the work of today's diplomats differ from that of their predecessors? And why do we need diplomats today, when half the world is just a click away from the next video conference? In this book, renowned companions of Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger - including several current and former heads of state and government - reflect on basic questions of diplomacy. Taking the reader behind the scenes of diplomacy, they reveal their most astonishing experiences, successes, and failures on the diplomatic stage, or outline their ideas for the diplomatic handling of unresolved challenges. A book for anyone who wants to better understand what matters when negotiating war and peace.

The eBook for The Art of Diplomacy is a text only edition and (for technical reasons) does not contain the illustrations of the printed edition!


Ullstein eBooks
520 Seiten
Die Kunst der Diplomatie
DE 28,00 €, AT 28,00 €
Ullstein Buchverlage GmbH, Friedrichstraße 126, 10117 Berlin
Tobias Bunde

Tobias Bunde

Dr. Tobias Bunde hat in Dresden, Straßburg, Washington und Berlin studiert. Er ist Director of Research & Policy der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz und forscht am Centre for International Security der Hertie School in Berlin.

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Benedikt Franke

Benedikt Franke

Dr. Benedikt Franke hat in Cambridge, Washington und Bologna studiert und danach lange für den ehemaligen UN-Generalsekretär Kofi Annan gearbeitet. Seit 2014 ist er Geschäftsführer der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz.

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